boost your wellbeing.
Strength-based Approach
One of the fundamentals of positive psychology has to do with strengths and operating from a place of what is best in us. If you’re curious, and are looking for a language to use I encourage you to check out the Via Character strength survey. There are surveys for both adults and kids and it’s a great tool to start the conversation.
Personality Tests
Beware non-evidence based or untested personality tests that are rampant on the internet. I’m all for enhancing our self-awareness but do it carefully using that inner filter and incredible wisdom that we all have within us. One test that is an oldie, but a goodie in my opinion, is the Myers Briggs personality test. If you can’t get access to the official one try this but the last letter was never part of the original. Check it out here. After you have your four letter “type”, I recommend looking up the corresponding podcast in this place. If it doesn’t hit home, I would be shocked.
General Topics
If you’re interested in getting a quick understanding of some psychological concept that you heard about or read somewhere I like Psychology Today, all of their material is evidence-based and quite practical, they often provide a great overview.
I LOVE books, I have such a problem and I just can’t help myself. They are literally stacked everywhere in my house and I usually have a bunch going at the same time. Here are a few favourites just to get you started but of course there is no end to this rabbit hole. I prefer evidence-based, researched books written by trained experts.